A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2245

Chapter 2245


And irritation bubbled up within her, even more pronounced than before.

Why did Edwin get to dictate everything? Why did he have the privilege to walk away whenever he pleased, only to return whenever he missed her? Why did she have to be his plaything? Didn’t she have a say in what she wanted?

Tears welled up in Laura’s eyes, but she persisted in pushing him away.

Edwin gently caught hold of her hand.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

Bending down, he retrieved her coat from the couch, draping it over her shoulders and deftly fastening the buttons.

“I’ll take you out to see the lantern show,” he offered.

With a clear familiarity with the layout of Peter’s villa, Edwin guided Laura down a different staircase from the second floor, leading her straight to the backyard, where his car awaited.

Laura adamantly refused to step into the car.

“Edwin, have you completely lost your senses?”

He simply hummed softly in response and suggested, “Well, if we don’t go, I might just get even crazier. How about we give your father another gift together? Say a Little baby.”

Infuriated, Laura’s hand connected with his cheek in a sharp slap.

Her natural disposition was so gentle; it must have been sheer frustration that drove her to such an outburst.

But her slap lacked force, a mere brush of a breeze.

Edwin refrained from touching his cheek. Instead, he ran his tongue across the wall of his mouth and emitted a soft, amused chuckle.

“Why not put some more strength into it? Are you concerned about hurting me?”

He couldn’t resist the urge to tease her, but just a little.

Gently guiding her into the car, he followed suit and swiftly pulled away.

As they got near the villa’s gate, the security guard approached.

“Mr. Evans! Why are you leaving amidst all the celebrations?” the guard inquired.

Edwin lowered the car window and nodded with an air of dignity. He then retrieved two packs of cigarettes from the glove compartment and handed them to the guard, who was overcome with gratitude. The guard stammered, “Mr. Evans, you’re too kind! How can I possibly accept your cigarettes?”

Despite his words, he accepted the cigarettes gladly.

Edwin’s smile widened.

“Hard work pays off.”

He then closed the window and steered the sleek black Rolls-Royce out of the driveway.

